Wolfeboro College
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So, how much does it cost to attend Wolfeboro College?  Nothing!!!  In a new concept of openness to students and emphasis on the work done by those students, Wolfeboro College has NO FORMAL tuition fees.  The Students pay for their own access to their research. They pay for the classes they have decided to attend, at whatever institutions, in order to achieve Phd level knowledge in their field and the completion of a published book dissertation. They pay for official paperwork and identification and administrative work on a cost plus per usage basis. They pay for their dissertation advisor, if they need one.

They also pay for the panel which will be assembled to decide whether their work is

sufficient for the Phd. No mimumum requirements for admission
or maximum age requirements -- We are VERY interested in nurturing PHd Work by retirees and other non-traditional students -- but the HIGHEST standards will be demanded of successful PHd. candidates.

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